Kamis, 04 Mei 2017

Final Assignment of Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Beach at an Office

      A venture company in Tokyo transformed its workplace into a beach to lure employees, visitors, and potential clients into believing that life can be a beach at work.
There is the sound of waves and the crunch of sand beneath your feet. These are not the sensations that you expect to have at the office!

      By using a carpet of sand, speakers, and a 3D projector, the firm made a tropical beach in the reception area that it also uses as an employee meeting space and staff lounge. One employee said that the sound of the waves soothed her and helped her work. Others who used the space joked that they feel like they have already gone off on holiday.
The water, waves and sea life are not real, but the sand is, as the firm brought in two tonnes of it.

Nama : Ajeng Ayu Septika
NPM  : 20214649
Kelas  : 3EB06

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